Monday, 10 October 2022




年前我們結婚時,Florence 正在攻讀博士學位。婚後大半年,她懷上了女兒。然後停學一年以便照顧女兒。在照顧初生女兒的一個晚上,她和她的朋友們決定成立一家初創公司,專注於利用科技以幫助殘疾人士。 (一些背景:在她攻讀工程學博士學位之前,Florence 已經在工業顧問和工業工程裡工作了接近十年,所以並非趕熱潮而選擇創業。)



當然,對一間沒有收入的初創公司來說,任何資金都是有用的,但實報實銷的資助和隨後的文書工作確實限制了公司的發展。畢竟,當時的另外 3 位聯合創始人中,有 2 位正在趕博士論文,而剩下的一位是大學的助理研究教授。Florence 是唯一一位在這家初創公司做事的人,而她還同時要照顧我們的初生女兒!

處理政府文書是一場噩夢。沒完沒了的表格;超過某個金額的採購需要多間公司的報價;支出和收據清單的嚴謹格式要求;把表格 email 給辦公室後,還要親身把 hard copy 奉上。種種不合時宜甚或無理的要求對一間start-up 來說實在費時失事。


長話短說:公司有四位共同創始人,並各自擁有25%股權。Florence是唯一一個在公司工作過的人。而其中兩位,包括那位助理研究教授,只對購買筆記本電腦、iPad 和其他用於研究項目的工具感興趣,而Florence和剩下的聯合創始人 Steve,則想做一些有實際意義的事情。

結果不久後發生了一場醜陋的權力鬥爭,那位 教授” 試圖把Florence踢出公司,但是股權的分佈令事件陷入僵局。而為了打破僵局,我們試圖在創業時簽署的股東協議裡尋找出路。但令我們詫異的是,那份文件裡並未有涵蓋股東之間陷入僵局的情況。


幸運的是,我們獲得了這位 教授的黑材料:他在電子郵件中冒充Florence為他的朋友公司提供虛假報價。由於他並沒有掩蓋他的踪跡,我們從電子郵件提供商那裡獲得 IP 地址,而一切證據都指向了他。諷刺的是,在一次他要求召開的臨時股東大會上,我們揭發了他的所作所為,並讓他在錄音下承認了。由於害怕被我們向警察和大學舉報他的不當行為,教授夾著尾巴離開了公司。另一位創辦人也很快地請辭。

不幸的是,公司的有限資本被浪費了在一些法律費用上,而且儘管是他犯了錯,我們還是被建議以fair value換取他的股份和辭去董事會的職務。

這幾個月的經歷對Florence 和公司的營運造成了頗大的壓力,但它確實帶領我們走向了一個更美好的未來,並教會了我們很多創業醜陋的一面。但總括而言,我們很高興它發生在旅途的早期,而我們總算安然地渡過了。




Sunday, 28 August 2022

Start-up competition

 Start-up competitions

For a small, non-software startup, one simple way to gain exposure, connection and even money is to enter into start-up competitions, lots and lots of them.

Our startup was no different.

Even in the midst of a power struggle in the company, we still entered into many different start-up competitions, either as a postgraduate students team or as the company. We entered into competitions like City I&T Grand Challenge, Elevator Pitch Competition (EPiC), Jumpstarter, Hong Kong Startup Express, among many others. We would usually do a little bit of research before entering, mainly to check if they were for students or very early start-ups to participate and secondly, to see what kind of prize they offered.

Some competitions like Jumpstarter would offer winners monetary awards and/or investment, while some offered selected participants the chance to meet investors and mentorship opportunities. These were all very appealing to a small startup like ours.

Armed with just a conceptual idea and a few renderings, we boldly entered these competitions. We were obviously not nearly good enough to win any of the competitions, but with our decent presentation skills and a strong technical background, we managed to get into the later stages in some of them and even won some small awards.

Maybe due to the sponsors of these events, one very common prize was cloud computing credit awards; we won a few thousand dollars worth of them. At that time, I really was not impressed. The cash flow of the company was slowly drying up, and these cloud computing credits meant nothing to me. As far as I was concerned, we did not need any cloud computing for our product, and I would gladly exchange the credits for a tenth of what they were worth in cash. Thankfully, we kept them.

In some of the competitions that we did well in, we even got invited to meet a few interested investors. Of course, we were not able to land any funding deals with any of the investors yet, but we managed to secure another government grant — The co-creation fund.

This funding was a direct reward for getting into the later stages of one of the competitions. Unlike a reimbursement grant, this time the fund would be sent to a bank account, and you would be able to use it for research and development and at a later stage, patents and marketing of your products. Like all other fundings, there would be restrictions and audits on the money spent, but at least we would not need to cough up money upfront for our research and development. This helped massively with our cash flow, and I would credit it for the rapid acceleration of the realization of our prototype.

After participating in a few competitions, we were invited to join a few accelerator programmes in addition to the incubation programme we were already in. We gladly accepted them, even though we were unsure how joining these accelerator programmes at that time would help our startup to grow. By then, the power struggle of the company has already been resolved, and we were eager to turn the page and move forwards with the startup.

Saturday, 20 August 2022

5 years update

I was going to write it in Chinese but then I could not type Chinese fast enough and it was so frustrating!